Event Details

You are invited to an exclusive presentation by the Founder and Chairman of The Arbinger Institute, Professor Terry Warner. Please join us on September 22, 2016 at 9:00a.m. – 10:30a.m. at AMCHAM Executive Office as Professor Warner discusses ‘mindset change’ and how this enables people at every operational level and helps to elevate their organization’s performance.

The transformative power of mindset change is simply stunning. It creates a very different kind of culture in the organization. It frees the team members from having to deal with problems caused by their co-workers, which they themselves cannot solve. Indeed, ’mindset change’ can actually motivate team members and align themselves better to organizational goals.

Professor Warner will explore the “The Outward Mindset” and address the following questions:
  • How do truly effective leaders define their role in the organization?
  • What do they think they are responsible to accomplish? What do they think is the responsibility of others?
  • What do they look for when they study the tasks that the team must accomplish, and what do they see and focus on as they think about the people who are to help plan and carry out these tasks?
  • What kind of things do they set out to do, in order to enable their people to perform creatively at the highest level?

Professor Warner will share some true stories of how these results unfolded in companies with which Arbinger has worked.


  • Professor Terry Warner (Founder and Chairman  of The Arbinger Institute)

    Professor Terry Warner

    Founder and Chairman of The Arbinger Institute

    Dr. C. Terry Warner is the founder and chairman of The Arbinger Institute, an international consulting and training company with offices located in 21 countries.

    In the 1970s, as a professor of Philosophy at Brigham Young University, Warner and a small team of specialists developed a new kind of psychology that gives individuals ability to overcome many of their own emotional and interpersonal difficulties without therapeutic intervention or any other invasion of their privacy. In recognition of this achievement he was elected a Visiting Senior Member of Linacre college, Oxford University in the mid-1980s. It was in order to make the insights and tools of this Psychology widely available that Warner founded Arbinger 1979.

    Warner received his Ph.D. in Philosophy at Yale University in 1967. At BYU his first love professional was teaching; over the course of some 35 years in the classroom, his students numbered in the thousands. The University selected Warner as its Professor of the Year after his first year of teaching, and as Honors Professor of the year after his last.

    In its work, The Arbinger Institute emphasizes the changing of individual and cultural mindset, which is always the pivotal element in all deep and lasting human growth. When—and only when—mindsets change, interpersonal relations can be healed, businesses can grow in efficiency and productivity, and conflicts within and among nations can be resolved.

    The Institute provides its services to businesses, schools, care-taking and rehabilitation institutions (including orphanages, treatment facilities, prisons, hospitals, and nursing homes), governments, psychotherapists and counselors, and families. Without such practical applications, Warner believe, theory goes off-track because then it lacks the continuing correctives and insights that come from living experience.

    The practical side of Warner’s life has been devoted to and shared with his wife, Susan, and their large family—they have ten children and 50 grandchildren—and to humanitarian and other volunteer causes. Warner has served for many years as advisor to a wilderness survival treatment program for troubled youth, called the Anasazi Foundation. And during recent years he and Susan have been assisting and supporting educational, small business, and missionary projects in West Africa, where they lived in 2012 and 2013.

    In 2001 Warner published the book, Bonds That Make Us Free: Healing Our Relationships, Coming to Ourselves. In this book he sought to make the non-technical content of his work accessible to a broad audience. About that same time Berrett-Kohler published The Arbinger Institute’s best-selling book, Leadership and Self-deception, which has sold over 1.5 million copies, and since then two other important books relation to mindset change have appeared: The Anatomy of Peaceand The Outward Mindset.

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