Event Details
"Trade facilitation involves the simplification, modernization, and harmonization (or standardization) of international trade (export, import, and transit) processes to reduce trade costs, maximize trade efficiency and increase transparency or predictability of trade." - Business Today
As trade is becoming more complex trade agreements, bilateral or multilateral, have country stakeholders from government to businesses trying to maximize the benefits, drive growth and value into local economies and navigate complex systems. There is also a need to ensure good regulatory frameworks support these agreements and their goals.
You are invited to join AMCHAM for a unique discussion over lunch on Thursday, 27 October 2022 to meet a veteran of such matters.
Jose Raul Perales will speak about The Role of Trade Facilitation in Today's World - How regulatory frameworks can maximize the impact of trade agreements to a small audience where you can have an open and candid discussion about some of the challenges and measures that both government and private enterprise need to address for success.
Event Details:
Date: Thursday, 27 October 2022
Time: 12:00pm -2:00pm
Venue: Sheraton Imperial Hotel Kuala Lumpur
RSVP: Required