SDGs in Play: #8 Decent Work And Economic Growth |
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Malaysia has progressed significantly from independence. Our economy experienced rapid growth of a Tiger Cub Economy, with technology and business developing at a rapid pace. So did the wellbeing of its people, as we grew to become one of the best healthcare providers in the ASEAN region.
Amid impressive progress, however, today’s economy is not working for everyone—from the very poor to the middle class, many are struggling to participate in and benefit from global economic activity. In its “Outlook on the Global Agenda 2015,” the World Economic Forum calls out rising income inequality and persistent jobless growth as the two most important economic trends facing the global economy, contributing to rising inequality and restricting consumer spending and growth. Concerns exist that in the coming decades, current rates of economic progress will slow or reverse, and that many will continue to be excluded from economic opportunity, which not only has direct economic impacts but also could jeopardize social progress and stability. |
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AMCHAM Members share their actions to contribute towards this SDG. |
| Flex promotes and encourages diverse and inclusive work environment globally and wants to provide Person with Disabilities (PwDs) with equal career opportunities. Many PwDs are not given equal career opportunities, and Flex wants to make a positive difference in their lives. Flex has hired hundreds of PwD employees to staff its other facilities in India and China for a number of years now and found PwDs’ performance to be at par with other non-PwD staff. The same result applies for Penang. The hiring of PwDs was made possible through Flex’s partnership with the Penang Deaf Association, Johor Deaf Association and JobsMalaysia (the recruitment arm of the Ministry of Human Resources). All of Flex’s PwD employees are hearing impaired. |
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1. Intentionality - Is your company committed to supporting the achievement of Goal 8? Have you developed a holistic strategy that reflects this commitment, covering end-to-end operations and the wider community?
- Are you committed to learn from your actions and do you have processes in place to improve them accordingly?
- Is your strategy supported by the highest levels of management, including the Board of Directors?
2. Ambition - Do your actions achieve long-term outcomes that greatly exceed those resulting from current industry practice?
- Are your actions aligned with what is needed to achieve Goal 8?
3. Consistency - Is support for Goal 8 embedded across all organizational functions?
- Are staff and board incentives aligned with achieving Goal 8?
4. Collaboration - Do you proactively look for opportunities to partner with Governments, UN agencies, suppliers, civil society organizations, industry peers and other stakeholders to inform how to advance Goal 8?
5. Accountability - Do you publicly express your commitment to advance Goal 8?
- Do you identify, monitor, and report on impacts, including potentially adverse impacts?
- Do you mitigate risks associated with your action?
- Do you remediate negative impacts associated with this action?
- Do you engage stakeholders in a meaningful way?
American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce Level 10, Bangunan Faber Imperial Court, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur 50250, Malaysia
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