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SDGs In Play: #15 Life On Land
The Roles of Businesses in Ensuring Life on Land
The Roles of Businesses in Ensuring Life on Land
Terrestrial and inland freshwater ecosystems are under immense pressure as challenges including biodiversity loss, land degradation and illicit wildlife trade mount. Many biodiversity hotspots, including biodiverse savannahs, grasslands, and tropical rainforests, are under heightened threat from activities linked to global supply chains. The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment states that biodiversity is the foundation on which human lives depend. Biodiverse ecosystems not only provide essential goods including food, water, fibre, and medicines, but also irreplaceable services such as the regulation of disease and the purification of air and water.
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AMCHAM Members share their actions to contribute towards this SDG. 
Philip Morris Malaysia – Initiative Towards Life On Land
Philip Morris Malaysia – Initiative Towards Life On Land
Guided by the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) #15: Life on Land where the focus is on “protecting, restoring and promoting sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems,” PMM’s efforts have been greatly focused on reducing cigarette-butt filter which contaminates our living spaces and the overall environment, with indirect negative impacts to the economy as well.

To this end, PMM is piloting a cigarette-butt canister initiative, where we partner with Reef Check Malaysia to install close to 200 cigarette bins across the country. In this 9-month pilot project, these cigarette-butt canisters will be installed in strategic, high littering locations
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1. Intentionality
  • Is your company committed to supporting the achievement of Goal 15? Have you developed a holistic strategy that reflects this commitment, covering end-to-end operation and the wider community?
  • Are you committed to learning from your actions and do you have processes in place to improve them accordingly?
  • Is your strategy supported by the highest levels of management, including the Board of Directors?
2. Ambition
  • Do your actions achieve long-term outcomes that greatly exceed those resulting from current industry practice?
  • Are your actions aligned with what is needed to achieve Goal 15?
3. Consistency
  • Is support for Goal 15 embedded across all organizational functions?
  • Are staff and board incentives aligned with achieving Goal 15?
4. Collaboration
  • Do you proactively look for opportunities to partner with Governments, UN agencies, suppliers, civil society organizations, industry peers and other stakeholders to inform how to advance Goal 15?
5. Accountability
  • Do you publicly express your commitment to advance Goal 15?
  • Do you identify, monitor, and report on impacts, including potentially adverse impacts?
  • Do you mitigate risks associated with your action?
  • Do you remediate negative impacts associated with this action?
  • Do you engage stakeholders in a meaningful way?
In Partnership With
American Malaysian Chamber of Commerce
Level 10, Bangunan Faber Imperial Court, Jalan Sultan Ismail,
Kuala Lumpur 50250, Malaysia
Tel: +603 2727 0070Fax: +603 2727 0075Email: info@amcham.com.my

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