Registration & Arrival of Guests
Welcome Remarks
Dato' Siobhan Das
  • Dato' Siobhan Das (CEO of AmCham Malaysia)

    Dato' Siobhan Das

    CEO of AmCham Malaysia
Opening Keynote
Panel 1〡Moving Upstream: The Value Chain in Malaysia Today
Dato' Loo Lee LianSuresh Kumar Dass

Malaysia plays a vital role in the global semiconductor value chain, particularly in mid-to-lower-end activities like Outsourced Semiconductor Assembly and Testing (OSAT) and wafer fabrication. With the recent influx of investment in integrated circuit design parks and advanced wafer fabrication, Malaysia must capitalize on these developments at every stage of the value chain. Adequate structure and policies must be introduced through the National Semiconductor Strategy to sustain and accelerate this growth to capture the multiple layers of the semiconductor ecosystem.

Key Themes/ Focus:
• Comprehensive look at the semiconductor ecosystem and the position of each firm on the value chain
• Impact of recent investments and ensuring strategic utilization
• Create assurance for Made by Malaysia products to remain competitive on the global scale
• Focus on resources and for sustainable growth

Moderated by Dato' Loo Lee Lian, CEO, InvestPenang

- Suresh Kumar Dass, Vice President, Design Engineering Group & General Manager, Malaysia Design Center, Intel

  • Dato' Loo Lee Lian (Chief Executive Officer at InvestPenang)

    Dato' Loo Lee Lian

    Chief Executive Officer at InvestPenang
  • Suresh Kumar Dass (Vice President, Design Engineering General Manager, Malaysia Design Center at Intel Microelectronic Sdn Bhd)

    Suresh Kumar Dass

    Vice President, Design Engineering General Manager, Malaysia Design Center at Intel Microelectronic Sdn Bhd
Coffee Break
Panel 2〡Visible Assets, Invisible Risks: Navigating New Risks
Solomon Lorthu

In today’s knowledge-driven economy, risks are redefined almost every day. Increasingly, human capital is a company’s most valuable asset with millions spent training and nurturing. What are the risks associated with the mobility of skilled workers, particularly the potential leakage of critical intellectual property as employees move between companies?

What are the implications for Malaysia's innovation landscape, the role of cybersecurity in safeguarding intangible assets, and the need for a robust framework to protect the nation’s intellectual capital while fostering a dynamic and competitive workforce?

Key Themes/ Focus:
• The human element in innovation
• Data movement between companies, and the potential risks of outsourcing services
• Malaysia’s pathway to IP protection and cybersecurity
• The framework and policies needed for protecting these intangible assets

- Solomon Lorthu, Managing Director, Motorola Solutions

  • Solomon Lorthu (Managing Director of Motorola Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd)

    Solomon Lorthu

    Managing Director of Motorola Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd
Presentation〡Building Malaysia's Circular Economy
Keynote Address〡Q&A Session
Panel 3〡The Strategic Imperative of Due Diligence (Traceability)
Vimala Murugan

As global supply chains face increasing scrutiny, the importance of traceability has never been greater. We explore how traceability is being used to navigate geopolitical challenges and protect intellectual property (IP).

How can Malaysian businesses leverage traceability to enhance supply chain transparency, build trust with global partners, and stay competitive in an ever-changing global landscape.

Key Themes/ Focus:
• Key outline of the importance of traceability in the global landscape
• Trade compliance and country-of-origin (COO)
• Leveraging malaysia with traceability to strengthen its value proposition and competitiveness globally

- Vimala Murugan, Strategic Trade Controller, MITI

  • Vimala Murugan (Strategic Trade Controller, Strategic Trade Secretariat at The Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry)

    Vimala Murugan

    Strategic Trade Controller, Strategic Trade Secretariat at The Ministry of Investment, Trade, and Industry
Closing Remarks